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Journey to the Peak of Digital Transformation

Mount Everest sign to base camp

avoid the Pitfalls of Digital Transformation 

This is the first in a series of three blogs on workload modernisation.

In an article by Alexander Pan, an Australian-based mountaineer who climbed to Everest Base Camp back in 2010, he still called out the ‘Human Element’ as his most profound experience.

“The trio of Sherpa guides – Dawa, Krishna, and Lakpa – assigned to take me and my group of fellow trekkers to the base camp of the world’s highest mountain. In the course of two weeks, seemingly endless exhausting steps, and a visit to a rocky camp located about 5,200m above sea level, a quick and close bond quickly formed between Dawa, Lakpa, Krishna, and I – one that I still occasionally dwell on today.”

Sherpas hiking Everest

So how does this relate to digital transformation, I hear you ask?

For any business, a digital transformation program would qualify as an “Expedition” in its own right. For many organisations it will be the first expedition into the unknown world of cloud platforms, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Function as a Service (FaaS), containers, orchestrators, Infrastructure as Code, agile development, microservices, AI and machine learning.

Some of these “discoveries” will provide the business with destinations and new horizons to aim for, whilst some will provide their own challenges, pitfalls – even crevasses – to overcome in order to allow the journey to continue. Challenges in the form of technology integration, new skillsets, updating processes, enhancing security, operating model definitions, and new architectures or ways of developing applications need to be embraced and then mitigated. One thing is for sure though, and that is that the choices made during the planning and strategy phases of the “Expedition” need to be the right ones, especially if the expedition is to deliver back to the business the return on investment required to be viewed as a success.

As CSI sets out its vision for the coming year, we will continue evaluating toolsets and destinations, to break through the hype and select the right components for our clients to ensure that their transformation journeys are successful. Like the Sherpas, we listen to your requirements, advise you on the pitfalls, then work hand-in-hand with you to build out the solutions you need to achieve your business goals. Through solving problems together, CSI will continue to execute on our trusted partner philosophy where we become the Sherpa for your IT organisation and your business transformation journey.

In the same way that the Himalayan Sherpas take care of the route, logistics, and heavy lifting required to establish camp, CSI will provide you with the logistics, support and professional services needed to guide you along the safest route between Point A and Point B.

Video: Containers are critical in the Application Modernisation journey

Below is the first of 3 videos that were recorded during a webinar for a customer audience in the US with IBM,  hosted by Tectrade, a CSI Group Company.

This video explains why container platforms and their associated ecosystems are such a big deal in application modernisation, and why selecting a specialist partner to Sherpa you along this journey is advantageous. 

For the next blog in the series, please click here for instalment number two: Evolution of Application Workloads


If you wish to get in touch to discuss anything raised in this blog, please use our Contact Us Page.

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