IT Support for logistics
Maximise your Customer value.
Let’s change the future of your business together and harness smart technologies to ensure your critical workloads operate at their very best.
Efficient IT solutions for Logistics Businesses.
The logistics industry experienced significant disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. To maintain profitability, drive operational efficiency and respond to competitive pressures, companies are turning new solutions to negotiate today’s disrupted and disruptive marketplace.
Increasing levels of digital is helping to ensure that customers aren’t affected by whatever challenge is next. Stay ahead of the crisis curve with technologies that include data, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud and artificial intelligence to optimise operations, improve asset performance management and lower global logistics costs.
What’s Holding You Back?
IT services are mission critical for accurate, reliable and efficient logistics.
CSI’s deep expertise can help resolve any IT challenge facing the logistics sector, whether that’s support on your data storage and security options, or configuring new and exciting technologies that enable innovation and growth.
Leave us a message with your challenge and one of our specialists will be in touch.
How Can We Help?
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Challenge #1
Your Cyber Security Posture.
Cyber security is consistently a top priority in almost every survey of IT decision makers. We know that maintaining cyber defences isn’t simple easy, but it’s critical that IT teams regularly assess threats to the business and keep up to date with advances in technology – cyber criminals do!
Vulnerabilities can range from old unsupported hardware, unpatched operating platform and a lack of security awareness among staff – the majority of breaches can be traced to human error. IT solutions need to be supported by a security-ware culture where every employee is a player in the line of cyber defence.
Challenge #2
Making Sense of Big Data & AI.
Supply chain and logistics companies produce, and can use, a lot of data – big data in logistics come from many sources: fleet GPS trackers, driving patterns, inventory tracking and warehouse improvement. Collecting data is one thing, but next level information technologies like AI, edge computing and cyber security are needed to extract value and act on this untapped data, especially when speed and data latency are critical factors.
Challenge #3
Ensuring Availability & Performance.
Downtime kills profitability – an IT mantra that is especially relevant for logistics and supply chain. Studies have found that the hourly cost of downtime can range from many thousands to millions, but no matter the exact cost, unplanned downtime is expensive. Application performance management (APM) and application resource management (ARM) can proactively and automatically allocate system resources ensuring optimal performance and availability.
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CSI’s experts have over 900 years of combined experience supporting and managing IBM Power Systems.
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of CSI employees are in client-facing roles, providing best in class customer service.
CSI’s history of innovation has earned us credibility as a reliable, trusted partner of choice around the world.
Popular services for the logistics sector
The CSI PowerCloud allows companies to break away from costly on-premises systems that lack agility. Instead we can comply with constantly changing market demand with speed and ease.
IT Director – Supply Chain Logistics Provider Read more